Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Office Has a Recycling Program!

Right before I left for vacation, I noticed several bin recycle bins in my office. I actually stopped in the middle of my hall to put a note in my phone about writing this post. That's how excited I am! I used to take home all of the paper that I needed to recycle. Sometimes, I even took paper out of the trash can by the printer to recycle at home. I do not have to do this any longer! The Administrative Assistant even put a small cardboard box in my office so I do not have to leave my office to recycle. I just empty the small box into the big bin by the printer. This is a great step for an office that does a lot of printing! My heart is warmed!

I need to find out how to get on this "Green Team." :)

>> What type of recycling, reusing, reducing program does your work offer?


Katherines Corner said...

Yea!!!Hugs and thank you for joining in the hop fun. xo

Anonymous said...

congrats! being a stereotypical oregonian, we've had recycling for a long time :) also recycling metal, glass, plastic, batteries, and the occasional e-cycling drive with other businesses in the building. we don't do full composting but do take turns bringing home the coffee grounds for our respective gardens :)

Anonymous said...

Having a recycling program in our offices can really be helpful in minimizing clutter. Shredded paper strips from shredding Houston (for example) can be used as materials for various craft works or can be donated to organizations who need such. Promoting this practice in our workplace is helpful in maintaining an organized working environment.

Blake said...

Our office recycles through paper shredding, Katie. Aside from the fact that it protects the business' valuable information from the hands of strangers, it is also a wonderful way to contribute to helping the environment. As a matter of fact, according to The Environmental Defense Fund: ""recycled fibers use less wastewater than papermaking processes using virgin fibers."". In other words, paper shredding minimizes the paper production's impact on freshwater ecosystems. Furthermore, shredded paper can also be an alternative for Styrofoam peanuts - a guy that works from a peanut company told me that.

If the Administrative Assistant appreciates your green manners, what more for Mother Nature? She smiles just like this -> :) Katie. May you serve as a role model not just to all employees, but to all citizens as well.

Blake Mitchell

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