Mason Jar Pump Cap

Mason Jar Sprayer Cap

Rating: total green check marks out of 5.
The Good
The Not So Good
Transform Mason jars into usable containers
Caps are made from plastic
Reduces use of plastic containers
Regular size only
Easy to install and use
Does not dispense stream
reCAP Pump Cap and Sprayer Cap are made from plastic and are 100% BPA free. The caps are made in the USA.
reCAP Pump Cap worked as expected. After a few pumps to prime the pump, the liquid soap was coming out nicely. This is a regular pump (not a foaming one), so it would be perfect to use with soap or with lotion or any similar liquid. The tube is 6" long, so it could work with the smaller Mason Jars (8 oz). The pump outputs 2cc with a lock down saddle in case you want to "close" the pump. The 6" tube was a little tight with the 8 oz Mason jars, but I was able to get it in there with the tube being bent a little. This did not hinder the ability to pump.
reCAP Sprayer Cap also worked very well. The sprayer only sprays mist, not stream. It has a dial at the end of the sprayer to turn off or on. Both "on" sides dispense mist. The mist is good for covering a large area, but not for targeted areas where a stream would do better. I poured my homemade shower cleaner into a quart 32 oz Mason jar. The tube on the Sprayer Cap is about 8" long and it fit well inside this Mason Jar with a little bend in it. This did not hinder the ability of the sprayer to work.
I was a bit skeptical about using a quart (32 oz) Mason jar as a prayer jar because of the bigger width of the container. After trying it, I was was able to hold the jar with one hand and spray with the same hand. I love that I can make my own homemade cleaner sprays and reduce the amount of plastic I use.
I would recommend reCAP Mason Jar Adapta caps in the Pump and Sprayer Caps. They fit regular sized Mason jars and allow you to use Mason Jars for other purposes. Reducing exposure to plastic and reusing the items we already have in our home is eco-friendly and economical. Plus, you can decorate the glass Mason jars to match your decor, or give them as gifts.
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