Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Random Acts of Green Kindness [#CTWW]

This week's challenge:

This week, perform a random act of green. Similar to a random act of kindness, the idea is to help the planet by looking for Eco-friendly opportunities which may present themselves as you go through your day. This could be picking up trash while you walk or helping an elderly neighbor bring their recycling bin to the curb for pickup. Maybe you turn off a light which was left on, offer to carpool to save gas, or share local produce with a friend. Perhaps buy a reusable bag or bottle for someone or invite a neighbor to share a vegan meal. The possibilities are endless! 

"Leave the world a better (greener) place than you found it" is my mantra. 

As I was taking a walk with the baby this week, I realized that my random act of green kindness is picking up trash in other people's yard. I do not know if drunk people drive down the street at night and throw empty cans on the road or if the trash people are careless, but I always find an empty soda or beer can in our yard or our neighbor's yards. Or, the latest advertising, in the form of paper coupons in a plastic cup in a plastic bag, from Domino's Pizza. Or, paper advertisement with small pebbles in a plastic sandwich bag. Is this the new way to advertise? Throw it into people's yards? So, I usually carry a plastic bag with me (necessity when you have a baby) and use it to collect any trash I see on our walks. 

On a similar note, during the last visit to my parents' house, I went for a run while they watched the baby. As I was completing the run, I saw a young boy, around 12 years old, walking in the grassy median with a trash bag. I watched him for a little bit to figure out what he was doing. To my surprise, he was collecting trash! Wow! What an inspiration! 

>> What random acts of green kindness can you do??

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